Come and visit us in the shop !!
You can find us in Milan in Corso Lodi, 113 (Shop entrance from Via Sacconi, 2)
Hardware and Software Assistance and Sales. Repairs in the laboratory and at home in Milan and its province within 24 hours.
Computer repairs, Computer assistance. Refurbished Used Computers, Refurbished Used Notebooks.
Does your PC not turn on or is it too slow? Call us! Computer Assistance in Milan = AWM Informatica.
Our Services at a click!
A.W.M. Srls EURCorso Lodi, 113, Milano, MI0245373199Supporto@awmlab.itCash, etc.
A.W.M. Srls
Primo esame delle problematiche legate all'utilizzo quotidiano del vostro computer come aggiornamenti non andati a buon fine, virus, problemi di avvio, lentezza, configurazioni errate ecc. al fine di informare il cliente circa i tempi e i costi per la relativa risoluzione.

Servizio di Assistenza Remota
TELEASSISTENZA / ASSISTENZA REMOTA Per richiedere una sessione di assistenza remota vi chiediamo di scaricare prima un software per assistenza remota (esempio TeamViewer) e seguire le indicazioni relative all'installazione che trovate nell'apposita sezione sul nostro sito.

Intervento di Assistenza tecnica a Domicilio
Richiesta di Intervento di assistenza tecnica presso il domicilio del cliente, per privati e/o partite iva.NB.: potrebbe essere necessario, in seguito alla valutazione del tecnico, continuare o perfezionare l'intervento presso il Laboratorio.

Are you looking for a shop that can meet your technological needs?
Are you looking for a reliable computer repair center?
Do you have a company and would like to computerize your offices or update existing systems?
Are you looking for a reliable partner who can support and assist you in all activities related to computer use?
A.W.M takes care of every phase, from contact with the best suppliers in the field for the acquisition of the highest quality brands to consultancy during the sale, from the installation of programs and peripherals up to the planning of turnkey systems designed and assembled based on personal needs of the customer.
In A.W.M. we offer you a wide range of solutions and offers for all your IT needs. Laptops and desktops, every type of accessory and complete pre- and post-sales assistance will allow you to finally have the computer best suited to your tastes and needs.
Our highly qualified staff will be able to follow you step by step in assembling your computer, installing programs and peripherals and solving any IT problem, including computer repairs.
Computer Assistance Milan = AWM Informatica
Come and visit us in the shop !!
You can find us in Milan in Corso Lodi, 113 (Shop entrance from Via Sacconi, 2)
Contact us
A.W.M. Srls
Corso Lodi, 113
Shop entrance from Via Sacconi, 2
20139 Milano
Tel. 02 45 373 199
P.IVA e C.F. 11084030961
N. REA MI-2578462
Shop opening hours:
10.30 - 12.30 e 15.30 - 18.30
(closed Sunday, Monday morning and Saturday afternoon)
Operating Rental for Companies and Freelancers
Repairs & Technical Assistance for Individuals
Technical Assistance (repairs desktop computers, notebooks, Windows, Linux, Mac OS, networks, servers, clients) Remote or at home in Milan and Province.
Operative rental of IT equipment (pay-per-copy photocopiers, servers, notebooks, workstations ...) with warranty extension & technical assistance included
IT & Consumable Equipment Supplies
Technical Assistance for Companies
Hardware & software maintenance of the company fleet, configurations & maintenance of domain networks, backup and security, hardware and software technical assistance (desktop computer, notebook, Windows, Linux, Mac OS repairs, networks, servers, clients) Remote or at home in Milan and Province. Network cabling and legal certification.
With us you can find:
A wide variety of Notebooks, Desktops, Servers, Accessories, Peripherals and Consumables.
Used PCs Milan!
A wide variety of refurbished Notebooks & Desktop Computers with warranty.